- Profile -
Name: Janan
Age: 2X
Status: Single
Birthday: 6th Sep. 198X
Orientation: Straight

- Diploma in
- Electronic and Computer

Work Experience:
- Admin Work
- Freelance Camp Instructor

Ex Military Unit:
- 1st Commando Battalion
- Demolitions
- Boat Coxswain
- Paratrooper

University of
Western Australia:
Bach of Arts
(Communication Studies)

- Communication Studies
- English

- Dates of -
- Rememberance -
- 21st July 2004
- 20th July 2006

Civilian again on:
- 200706
- Thursday
- 1050hrs 20secs

Uni Started:
- 19th Feb 2007

- Tagboard -

- Notices -
I tried using a new skin,
but somehow it didn't work
out as nicely.

- Stuff -

- Archives -
July 2004
August 2004
September 2004
October 2004
November 2004
December 2004
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November 2005
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Far better it is to dare mighty things.
To win glorious triumphs, 
even though checkered by failures. 


Than to rank with those poor spirits, 
who neither suffer much nor enjoy much 
'Cause they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

wassap pple...writing this on a tuesday morning. weird eh? Supposed to be in camp..but I am at home...reason..I got attend C..got sent home cause I'm sick...Diahorrea and fever...whoop dee doo... Green cuppacino is what I call the by product...Nough said..bet your cursing by now. So lets move on to my previous week shall we?

Last week was the single most shag week of my NS life. Worse to come, but that in the future..Blogs are all bout the past. Yes yes...philosophy...shaddup and read on...

I or rather WE had 2 bloody live firings in a single week. And the bloody indian refused to let us sleep until we cleaned our weapons. Do you have any bloody idea how damn frustrating it is to clean your weapon in the wee hours of the morning (0200hrs) when your already damn tired in a badly lit parade square? Imagine this...You stink like hell, you got mud all over your uniform, your hungry, your eyes are slits, your in a bad pissed off mood, and your cleaning black stuff (carbon) off your weapon in a dark enviroment and the people in your platoon either refuse to cooperate or are too dumb assed to do so.... Sounds fun? GO JUMP OFF A TALL BUILDING!!!
That bloody indian who is our CSM is a COCKANADAN!!!! I hope he does something wrong, someone complains and he gets POSTED OUT!!! Talks a lot of cock, wastes our time, punishes us for things we don't even know...and they say "we want to train thinking soldiers" KISS MY ASS AND DIE!!!!

We had lessons and practicals too..bout what, I ain't saying....
Friday we had another firing...same shit, different day...we slept at 0400 and woke at 0700..I couldn't be more stoned had I drunk a whole bloody bar the night before..
And we got held back by the black bast&*( again...he purposely wasted our time. Book out was at 1000hrs...but he held us back...made the book out time 1340hrs..but punished us by doing changing parade from the parade square back to our bunk 4 storeys up..and in the end, let us go at 1430hrs...TALK ABOUT LYING!!! HOPE YOU GET CHARGED AND GET TAKEN OUT!!!!

And to make matters worse. Cause some people got caught for smoking and using the phone, all our privileges have been revoked. We gotta book in in Smart 4, No phones and ciggs allowed..I don't smoke, so no problem..but no phones? You have got to be shitting me...

Personally, the reason I volunteered to joing commandos is for the training, not for all this kinda petty shit by a black person. I HOPE YOU DIE YOU BLACK DICK!!!!

Posted on 10/26/2004 by <$The One$>
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