- Profile -
Name: Janan
Age: 2X
Status: Single
Birthday: 6th Sep. 198X
Orientation: Straight

- Diploma in
- Electronic and Computer

Work Experience:
- Admin Work
- Freelance Camp Instructor

Ex Military Unit:
- 1st Commando Battalion
- Demolitions
- Boat Coxswain
- Paratrooper

University of
Western Australia:
Bach of Arts
(Communication Studies)

- Communication Studies
- English

- Dates of -
- Rememberance -
- 21st July 2004
- 20th July 2006

Civilian again on:
- 200706
- Thursday
- 1050hrs 20secs

Uni Started:
- 19th Feb 2007

- Tagboard -

- Notices -
I tried using a new skin,
but somehow it didn't work
out as nicely.

- Stuff -

- Archives -
July 2004
August 2004
September 2004
October 2004
November 2004
December 2004
January 2005
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August 2005
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October 2005
November 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
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Far better it is to dare mighty things.
To win glorious triumphs, 
even though checkered by failures. 


Than to rank with those poor spirits, 
who neither suffer much nor enjoy much 
'Cause they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat

Sunday, July 03, 2005
A Long Time In Coming...

Whew...I'm finally blogging again. I was like I went on holiday or something. Either that or in reference to my previous entry dated..eh....way back before my jump, I wonder if anyone who happened to read it went..."Oh my, I wonder if he didn't make it"

Nah...I've got lotsa things to tell ya...but I don't know if I got the will power to keep typing and typing.

*that's not me..It's what we would look like if there was a camera on board*
Let's first go to my airborne life.... Have you ever seen movies where something happens and the character goes pissed scared? I mean seriously....
Had there been a camera up there, you wouldn't need a flash cause my face would be white enough.
Had I not gone to take a piss on purpose and not drink any water too, I would probably have pissed in my pants...

Here's the series of events that took place.
We reached the airbase early in the morning. I was in sortie 2, pass 3. 3rd last jumper.
We got our chutes, reserves and suited up, moved into waiting position as sortie 1 boarded the plane. We sat nervously looking up at the sky as the plane flew a few rounds to test the winds and stuff. Then as the song goes, high in the sky, a plane flies by and the parachutes bloom like flowers in the sky...only this time, I was going to be the damn dandelion floating down the earth. My legs were shaking and all was silent. Eventually, the jumpmaster came to us, stirring us as usual...And I quote "Now you all bloody quiet right...wait, once you all come back, you won't shut up" My mind was more concerned about the 'coming back' part if you catch my drift.

Then our dispatcher came to us...my mind went "oh crap.." and he went. "Sortie 2, up and follow me" We followed him to the taxiway and waited for the plane to land and once we got the thumbs up signal, we boarded the plane as we had practiced before.

Only this time...only this time......
So here are the steps involved with us boarding, jumping and stuff.
Once we board the plane, the jumpmaster goes
"Sortie, fasten safety belt"..You get the idea....
The plane starts to move to the take off point, accelerates and leaves the ground. Before you know it, the jumpmaster goes
"500ft, Sortie, prepare for action"..To this, we hold our static lines with one hand on the safety belt release.

Then somewhere around 1000ft we get the:
"Sortie, unfasten safety belt"

Than boom the bloody door opens! And at this particular point, my eyes go really wide and my head snaps to stare the the opening...Who says only people who experience near death experiences see a tunnel with a white light....looking at that rectangular portal at the rear of the plane, I half expected the see the clawy hand of death himself to come and claim me. It was not a good feeling. You think sitting for exams is bad...you ain't experience nothing yet...
Cold sweat, white face, dry lips, big eyes, sweaty palms, shaking hands and legs, accelerated heartrate, and fighting the urge to whine like a little piglet and piss in my pants.

You look over and see the jumpmaster stick his head out of the door to check something. Then the other one goes.
"Pass 1, Stand up...Hook up(they hook their static lines to the cable). Check static line (to which we tug our lines twice to make sure they are secure)."
"Check equipment." to which we religiously reply "Helmet, cadwell, lifejacket, cheststrap, reserve snap, ripcord, leg straps. (then to the front person) pack tie, static line. Clear and hooked up!"

Once done, they JM goes:"sound off for equipment check!" then from the rear we sound off
"10 ok.........until 1 ok, stick ok!"

THen the plane keeps flying....and flying...which seems like a damn eternity until the JM goes "Stand in the door!!" then the jumpers go "right left, right left" until the first jumper is standing in the door. once the green light goes on, they shove them out of after another..And once the jumper leaves the plane, the air rushes in to fill the vaccum. So there is this "whoosh, whoosh, whoosh" sound. And before I knew it, pass 1 was out. The same thing was repeated for pass 2...and then the dreaded words came "Pass 3. Stand up!, Hook up!!"
Jeez!!...then came the rest...and now came the best part...the stick started moving forward. The jumpers were leaving the plane and I was going closer and closer to the door. Finally it was my turn and before I had the chance to protest after that split second of looking down, I was shoved out!!Caught by the slip stream, I was shot like a bullet and I carried out the drill as was taught "1...2....3.... Check!! Toggle, Front, Over right, Over left, Under left, Under right, In between, Good para position" and then I started looking for my DZ...It was a pretty damn good feeling not to be hurtling to earth at terminal velocity. In fact, since that, I found jumping damn fun!! Hahaha!! I found my DZ, and came in for a landing..the first one was pretty hard though. I guess I stretched my legs out too much.

So far, I've completed my 3 Mod 1 jumps. left with 2Mod 2 jumps...I Do not want to do it..cause it's damn tiring.

Once BAC was over, came the big mama...

72km Road March!!!

Now there was one heck of a walk. Ever walked till your butt cheeks hurt? Seriously, that can happen.
We started off at around 1830hrs. Route to be taken.. From our camp, to changi beach, coastal road, up and down ECP for 40km and back down.

THe first 16km was ok. Easy peasy.. Then it started to kick in. toes hurt, feet hurt, knees hurt, calfs hurt, thighs hurt, butt hurt, back hurt, neck hurt...all from just walking.

I almost gave up around the 50km point. You could really feel your will power bending and bending. Almost to the snapping point. Every step hurt. I walked until I got ankle lock...you know...when you walk, your ankle piviots, not mine..I was walking like old uncle "Frankie" Literally dragging myself every single step.

Here's a funny thing though. Somewhere around 0600-0700hrs the next morning during our walk...I heard this "ciak, ciak, ciak, ciak" sound from behind me. From a distance it came closer and closer. Was too bloody tired to look back to see what it was. Eventually it caught up with me. It was an old man (old school type) pushing an old school bike. He over took me..I was like "bloody hell.." a short while later, this other old man called out to the guy with the bike, asking him to slow down, and on my left, this other old school dude caught up with his friend and they both proceeded to overtake quite a number of us. I just stood there for a while. One of the new officers came to me and asked if I was all right. I went "Sir, damn low moral now" He asked why. I went " I just got overtaken by two old men..." He just laughed..and I still had around 30km to finish the march.

It went on and on...there were other cases of people disturbing us along the route...especially the fat malays with the bbqs...I just wanted to shoot them full of holes.

My mind was a blank most of the time. I was more focused on moving one leg after another..
I do not know how in the world I made it back to camp without God's help..

Time Taken: 23hrs, 7mins, 42sec, 57mili secs


That me and my family. My brother isn't in the pic though. My sis, mom and dad.

That's me infront the the stiletto.
11 Mths of Hell.
11 Mths of Insanity
11 Mths of Pain
11 Mths of Endurance
11 Mths of Struggling

For the red beret.
Now I know why Commandos feel so damn proud of themselves


But the person I really want to thank is GOD.

For I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.

Posted on 7/03/2005 by <$The One$>
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