- Profile -
Name: Janan
Age: 2X
Status: Single
Birthday: 6th Sep. 198X
Orientation: Straight

- Diploma in
- Electronic and Computer

Work Experience:
- Admin Work
- Freelance Camp Instructor

Ex Military Unit:
- 1st Commando Battalion
- Demolitions
- Boat Coxswain
- Paratrooper

University of
Western Australia:
Bach of Arts
(Communication Studies)

- Communication Studies
- English

- Dates of -
- Rememberance -
- 21st July 2004
- 20th July 2006

Civilian again on:
- 200706
- Thursday
- 1050hrs 20secs

Uni Started:
- 19th Feb 2007

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- Notices -
I tried using a new skin,
but somehow it didn't work
out as nicely.

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- Archives -
July 2004
August 2004
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Far better it is to dare mighty things.
To win glorious triumphs, 
even though checkered by failures. 


Than to rank with those poor spirits, 
who neither suffer much nor enjoy much 
'Cause they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Damn...the course is finally over!! I don't have to face the hell of carrying around that damn 40kg odd backpack...
Let's face it..I don't fit into the 'tall' category....heaven knows that I am short enough and lugging around that A.L.I.C.E. pack ain't gonna help me one bit in that area...
After a month in that never ending hell...It's all come to an end...well almost...I still gotta go to thailand with it.

Yeah yeah..I can see the scrutiny on your faces...your minds going"Eh come on lah, you commando leh"...well, go jump, I'm human as well...You want to know how we look like? I'll give you a mental description until I can get a pic up...think of this..We're wearing green, the alice pack is green. If we carry a stick...do you know who we look like...Donatello..a bloody ninja turtle i tell ye!! A damned friggin turtle!! And we move like one too....

Here's a hilarious story on your end of the stick.
We recently came back from tekong..and one fateful night, just as we reached our point and plopped down for a rest and some chow before continuing our area deployment, I decided to open a can of "Heinz, Tuna in thousand island dressing" Imagine this, your shag, hungry and in the dark with the company of stinking 5 others and a bloody lot of mozzies. I open me can, took a mouth, passed it around and then I heard rustling in the jungle. So of course, we being curious flipped on our lights, and lo and behold, in that beam revealed a....gorgeous chick wearing nothing but a bikini...I WISH!!!....standing in that beam of light in all four legged brilliance...was the biggest friggin wild boar I have seen up to that point in time..(I saw a bigger one the next night) 4m away from us..walking around, sniffing the ground or air or what ever it bloody hell was doing...then it turns to look at me..with a tuna can in hand. My buddy told me "Janan, I think you better eat damn fast" He didn't need to tell me a 2nd time..the can was at lip level and I was shovelling food in faster than a hobbit can dig. Chow , recapped the can the flipped it way way off..still the damn pig wouldn't go..it lay down and continued looking at us. I was bloody tired and just decided to just sleep there or something, but the reservist with us told us that we'd better not. Oh well eh? So what's the call? We decided to gear up and move out of the area. Please note now that the packs are heavy, ground is a slight downhill incline and full of holes, I'm carry 6 bamboo poles and the mosquito coil holder dangling at the side with a carbine...So somehow we managed to gear on without agitating the four legged beast and were moving off when suddenly behind me I hear someone go "IT's CHASING US!!!" I tell you, I tried running, coil holder donging all over the place, poles at a bloody awkward angle and boy I tell you...there was no way I could run..I ran like 20ms and just went "ahh. just bang me and get it over and done with" It was that shag...I don't think I should even use the word run, ran or any word that shows a hint of moving at an extremely fast pace...I should use the word ...Hobbled or something....damn...Anyway, the next night, another boar appeared and then that became the biggest, ugliest boar I have seen up to this point in time... I would tell you more, but then again, I can't do that without telling you what I do..and the Capt. told us not to talk about it....

But here's one other thing...I got a jump this thursday.. and I am really appealing to God that when that day comes, it's either raining, strong winds, hazy or even the pilot come down with diahorrea or something cause I don't want to jump again..I already earned my wings...
<<<==Those wings you see are mine....

Well, till then, cheerios!!
Btw...any of you going for the 21km AHM on Sept 11? Drop me a message or something.
Also..anyone applied, applying for UWA or going to perth to study? Drop me a line or something K?


Posted on 8/20/2005 by <$The One$>
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