- Profile -
Name: Janan
Age: 2X
Status: Single
Birthday: 6th Sep. 198X
Orientation: Straight

- Diploma in
- Electronic and Computer

Work Experience:
- Admin Work
- Freelance Camp Instructor

Ex Military Unit:
- 1st Commando Battalion
- Demolitions
- Boat Coxswain
- Paratrooper

University of
Western Australia:
Bach of Arts
(Communication Studies)

- Communication Studies
- English

- Dates of -
- Rememberance -
- 21st July 2004
- 20th July 2006

Civilian again on:
- 200706
- Thursday
- 1050hrs 20secs

Uni Started:
- 19th Feb 2007

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I tried using a new skin,
but somehow it didn't work
out as nicely.

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Far better it is to dare mighty things.
To win glorious triumphs, 
even though checkered by failures. 


Than to rank with those poor spirits, 
who neither suffer much nor enjoy much 
'Cause they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat

Friday, February 03, 2006
The Falcon is upon us....

Just booked out...and I got to book in in less than 48hours...by 2000hrs sunday night.
Damn...Falcon is here.
I was asked how I felt about ATEC this year..I answered "If you think they did well last year, we're going to do even better this year" ..I would have answered "Ready to hand ATEC's asses to them on a silver platter"..but it pays not to be over confident...Always over estimate your enemy..

I kinda feel overwhelmed by it all though. It's a big rush for everything. I got back to camp on wednesday only to be told that "You gotta replace all the green cords with white ones (ain't tellin you what cord)....I'm like...ok then.....then reality struck..i've got 24 of them!! 8m/thingy...that's...hold on..brain working....working..working...program not responding...end program...restart..working...working...DING!! "10x24 = 240m" so i'm like ok..it'd be fast..pull out, measure, cut, replace..yippy!! Then another one slammed straight into me..we also need 20x another thingy...so again...5 of those needed 10m lines..15 of those needed 6m lines...again....rain working....working..working...program not responding...end program...restart..working...working...DING!! (5x10) +( 15x6) = 140m...
Your intelligent...I'm sure it'd be easier for you to add those amounts together...+ another 120 - 80 + 20. Ok ok..it's 440m..Hey..I used a calculator..otherwise you'd be wearing your seat thing and your butt numb waiting for me to finish calculating... A flippin astronomical amount for a person who was passed a role of 200m...Yeah..you gotta make it happen..Hey..I'm not Jesus..I can't feed a multitude with 5 loaves and 2 fishes.....I'm HUMAN!!!! So guess who's job it is to run round, sending out people, calling shops to find that oh so need precious commodity...And the best part...I need it done latest by tomorrow...eh??? You kidding? It's...oh nevermind. So to which I said "ok..will try" I acquired the help of the few trained in my line...

It was a trying time for me, running around like a mad man...working while others rest..all due to Professional P.R.I.D.E: People Rest, I Do Extra. I've heard of people under extreme duress speaking in strange tounges....oh yeah...But hey..I got the job done...Ok future employers of mine...YES!!! HIRE ME!! I ACCOMPLISHED MUCH!!! YOU'LL NEVER REGRET !!!!

I thought all would be fine...we knew we had to book in early this sunday for next week..but it never occured to me how early, early could be..."well guys..you got to book in by 2000hrs this sunday..and I mean, you have to be in your long 4 seated in the ops room for orders" That translates to.. "Get your sorry asses back in camp by 1930 so you can change up and get ready for a briefing by 2000hrs...or else...." Continued the briefing...yada yada yada..My heart had already dropped to the floor hearing the book in time...never thought it could get any worse..that was until I heard next week's brief...my heart was trampled on by a freaking stampede of raging bulls...when the dust settled and the air cleared...all that was left was a barely beating pulp on the floor...squirting little fountains of blood with every erratic pump it had left in it....Hell, we'd fight tooth and nail for our OC..after all, we're the wolf pack..screw with one, deal with all...but each one of us is entitled our small feelings after all...damn it..and the best part...we heard from 'theysay.com' <----the legendary gossip forum in camp "if you all do well for it, you will get to book out/nights off on valentine's day"......

Well, those attached would be way happy...makes no difference to me...Hell I ain't attached...So what am I going to do? Give flowers to the cookhouse aunties? You have gotta be shittin me....
Probably go out with the rest of the singles for a movie or something..and watch the rest of the lovers world go snuggly past......which brings me to another blog I read of a friend...

Seems one of em likes someone..and another broke up or something....hey at least they get to experince it....I don't even know if the lines "better to have love and lost then never to have loved at all"

I've never fallen in love with anyone...never experienced the heart beat quickens when she steps into the room...,never experienced the small happy joy whenever she steps into my view, never experienced the anxiety of waiting for her to call, never experience the satisfaction of her telling you her inner most feelings of the days...to cheer her up when she is down, to share her happiness, to bear your own problems without telling her because you don't want her to be sad and in turn because of that, experience the strength she gives you...never experienced the thoughts of both growing old together...never experienced the sadness of praying she will die before you becauce you don't want her to bear the grief of your passing.

Nope..definitely never felt any of those things...I guess my time hasn't arrived yet...I'm way too pre occupied then to go digging around in the land of the other gender to find a mate....Might be symbolic too though I guess since my company is the wolf company. Wolfs mate for life..One girl is all I need..I don't need to go through a whole gang to finally decided it's time to settle down.

Yup..defintely never felt any of those emotions. It's very different thinking about it and actually experiencing it...maybe in uni..but till then..who knows eh?

Posted on 2/03/2006 by <$The One$>
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